Another perfect day

Keep safe, keep well, keep walking.

Shirley and Ronnie led a great walk on another perfect day from Ott Track over Slieve Loughshannagh and Meelbeg and down past Fofanny before returning to their cars.


Starting at Carrick Little car park, Gary led a walk via Binnian Lough up Slievelamagan to Cove Mountain and back down the Annalong valley, stopping for some cave exploration en route. Another perfect day.

Yellow Water

Another perfect day for walking in a winter wonderland at the Yellow Water led by Gary.


Time for some more layers!

Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024

Ruth and chums at the harbour, Newcastle.

Rourke's Park and Rocky

A walk with a difference. Another great day out and an adventure scrambling through fallen trees.

Banns Road
Banns Road

Wet weather forced a cancellation of the palanned ascent of Doan but it was still a great day out for Mike and friends. 12.75Km and 620m ascent

Banns Road

Looking for a quick way down from Slievenaglogh.

The Big Stone

Another great walk despite the rain.

Carn and Muck

Difficult to stand up at times in the wind and very steep coming down from Muck but a good walk, led by Gary. With views of the Welsh mountains from the summit, it worth the effort. 11Km and 450m ascent.


Shirley led another great walk from Mourne Park to Knockchree before birthday celebrations for Millie and Dorothy complete with troubadour.

Leitrim Lodge

Quite a challenge for what was billed as a grade 3 walk but a great day in the snow. From Leitrim Lodge up and over Rocky, on to Pigeon Rock Mountain, Wee Slievemoughan and back over the Rocky River. 10.7Km and 550m ascent.


by Thomas Hood

No sun — no moon!
No morn — no noon —
No dawn — no dusk — no proper time of day.

No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member —
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! —


Shirley visits the home of the little people in the famine village above Carlingford.

Mourne Park and Knockchree

Mike led a great walk through Mourne Park, to the summit of Aughrim Hill and over the top of Knockchree.

Time for the coat
Clandeboye Way

Only a brief light shower at Whitespots Lead mine but some difficulties putting on coat.

Trassey Track

John O. led his group on a different route, enjoying very atmospheric light on the hills.


Despite, or perhaps because of, a number of fallen trees we had a great adventure walking from Benburb Priory along the Blackwater and what remains of the Ulster Canal to Milltown. 5.5Km in great scenery and a perfect day for it. Afterwards a number of us went to Ardress where we walked the Lady's Mile, a beautiful scenic loop of 1.9Km past snowdrops and historic woodland so we got great value for our mile.

North Down Coastal Path

Another perfect day for three great walks along the North Down Coastal Path. Well done those who walked all the way from Holywood to Bangor!

Cove Cave

Despite forecast of heavy rain it was another perfect day for our walk from Carrick Little to Cove Cave led by Herbie.


The wind and rain which had been in the forecast the previous night failed to materialise and Cedars Walkers enjoyed dry calm weather for their walk at Gosford. Another perfect day out.

Shaws Bridge

Another perfect day for our walk from Shaws Bridge to the historic Giants Ring.


When conditions din't look too promising for the planned walk up Ott Track, Shirley led a great walk from Spelga Dam instead,

Antrim Loop

Another perfect day for our traditional walk round the Antrim Loop with coffee and scones in Massareene Golf Club after.


It was a cold start to the new year with sub-zero temperatures and minimal visibility higher up - a chance to make good use of a compass. But a winter wonderland at the summits and wall-to-wall sunshine at lower levels ensured a great walk of over 10.5Km from Sandy Brae to the summit of Finlieve led by John O..

Oxford Island
Oxford Island

Another perfect day for a stroll at Oxford Island, in the company of an angel apparently!

Granite Trail and Christmas Dinner

Cedars Walkers - Christmas 2024.


Another perfect day for an adventure in the Mournes led by Shirley.

Armagh city walk
Armagh City

Edna led a happy group of walkers on a pre-Christmas stroll round historic Armagh City.

Ott Track
Ott Track

A great walk up the Ott Track over Slieve Loughshannagh and Slieve Meelbeg, down to Fofanny Reservoir and up over Butter Mountain and Slievenamuck - a thoroughly enjoyable day out.

Hillsborough Forest

Another perfect day for a 5.9Km dander round Hillsborough lake and forest - and back before the rain. Lunch at Mill Farm watching from behind the glass as rain splashed off the footpath rounded off a great day out.

Kilbroney and the big stone

Thanks to Shirley for her wise leadership in the sometimes torrential rain. Another great walk.


Another perfect day with lots of choice at Castlewellan. The group that climbed to the summit of Slievenaslat managed 8.7Km and 300m ascent.