Another perfect day
Keep safe, keep well, keep walking.
Glenariff (from Irish Gleann Airimh meaning the Glen of the ploughmen). A great walk on the Scenic Trail with amazing views over the U shaped valley carved out, like the other glens, by glaciers. Then dropping down to the gorge and the boardwalk (first constructed 100 years ago - that's the boardwalk, the gorge is even older), and up to the waterfalls before coffee in Laragh Lodge. And for a few well seasoned world travellers, their first visit here didn't disappoint. Thanks to our leader, Gordon, the expert driving of Paddy Mc and the navigational skills of Paddy C. And, the ----- banter!!
Where did you get that hat?
Oxford Island
Oxford Island
30 May 2024
the heron
Some photographs from a very enjoyable 4 mile walk from Kinnego Marina with a fine view of the heron, Thank you Ruth and Reuben.
Balancing Lakes
Balancing Lakes
23 May 2024
Gordon led a group on a local walk round Craigavon's Balancing Lakes. The anticipated strong winds failed to materialise and after 7Km and 40m ascent we returned to the South Lake Leisure Centre in time for a welcome coffee.
Horn Head
John and Ann enjoy a quiet moment together on a truncated version of McSwynne's Gun Loop. 6Km and 150m ascent - longer if a walk of up to max. 2Km along and back on Tramore Strand is included.
Tom leads the descent down a sandhill on McSwynne's Gun Loop.
Blue Lough
Another perfect day for our walk to the Blue Lough.
Cedars Walkers enjoy the view over Lough Shannagh and Silent Valley.
Mark and Peter stroll along Ardilea Road during our walk at Dundrum.
A spectacular day out on the tiny island of Gola which boasts what is arguably one of the best tea rooms in Ireland - a very welcome sight after a day in the hills.
Granite Trail
A splendid day in the Mournes with Shirley and Ronnie leading a walk on the Granite Trail with a diversion on to the Drineevar Loop and a stop off at Drinahilly and Rapunzel's tower. Clocking up more than 10Km and 320m ascent, the happy smiling faces tell it all.
Burtonport Railway
Brian leads the way on the magnificent newly tarmaced path along the line of the Burtonport railway with Muckish in the background. Trains ran between Burtonport and Letterkenny from 1903 to 1940.
Slieve Snaght
Slieve Snaght
16 May 2024
Cedars Walkers enjoy some glorious May weather on the summit of Slieve Snaght (Irish: Sliabh Sneachta, meaning Snow Mountain) - but no snow visible on day of walk.
On the summit of Errigal.
Horn Head
The descent to Tramore Strand, Dunfanaghy.
Shirley led a great walk at Spelga. Well done Shirley.
Peatlands Park
02 May 2024
John led a 7Km walk through Peatlands with Reuben giving a masterclass in the identification of birdsong and plants. A great walk in lovely weather with Peatlands looking at its best.
Herbie led a large group in perfect weather up the Ott Track and over Slieveloughshannagh to Doan.
Shanlieve and Eagle
02 May 2024
John O. led a tough but enjoyable walk from Leitrim Lodge to Shanlieve, Eagle and Wee Slievemoughan - 11Km and 600m ascent.
Blue Lough
Gordon and Ruth led another great walk from Carrick Little up to the Blue Lough.