Another perfect day

Keep safe, keep well, keep walking.

Another perfect day with lots of choice at Castlewellan. The group that climbed to the summit of Slievenaslat managed 8.7Km and 300m ascent.

Carn and Muck

Difficult to stand up at times in the wind and very steep coming down from Muck but a good walk, led by Gary. With views of the Welsh mountains from the summit, it worth the effort. 11Km and 450m ascent.


Shirley led another great walk from Mourne Park to Knockchree before birthday celebrations for Millie and Dorothy complete with troubadour.

Leitrim Lodge

Quite a challenge for what was billed as a grade 3 walk but a great day in the snow. From Leitrim Lodge up and over Rocky, on to Pigeon Rock Mountain, Wee Slievemoughan and back over the Rocky River. 10.7Km and 550m ascent.


by Thomas Hood

No sun — no moon!
No morn — no noon —
No dawn — no dusk — no proper time of day.

No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member —
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! —


Shirley visits the home of the little people in the famine village above Carlingford.

Mourne Park and Knockchree

Mike led a great walk through Mourne Park, to the summit of Aughrim Hill and over the top of Knockchree.

Time for the coat
Clandeboye Way

Only a brief light shower at Whitespots Lead mine but some difficulties putting on coat.


Ronnie B. led a smallgroup of his smiling, dedicated followers on a walk through the Cooley Mountains from Lumpers. Super views, good company and soft ground. What could be better?

Carn and Muck

Gary led a happy group on a windy hike round Lough Shannagh, up and over Carn and Muck.

Clare Glen

In freezing conditions, Gordon and Ruth led walks on the Glenview, River and Bluebell Trails. There weren't any bluebells to be seen but the river, in full flow, was much admired. Such a pity that the pedestrian bridge in the middle of the glen has still not been repaired.

Hen Track

Great walk, company and craic. Thanks Shirley.

Clandeboye Way

Another perfect day for our 10Km walk along the Clandeboye Way from Helen's Bay station, past Helen's Tower and on to Whitespots lead mine, Conlig, one of the largest underground mines in Ireland in its heyday. Extensive working of lead ore took place in this area in the early nineteenth century, when up to 15,000 tons of refined lead (and lesser copper and silver) were extracted from ore removed via several shafts. The ore was taken to Bangor harbour and shipped to smelters on the River Dee estuary downstream from Chester. Production declined after 1854 and the mines had closed by 1900; a descendant of Baron Dufferin, the First Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, ended mining in the area by buying the leases, owing, it is said, to his abhorrence of such industrial activity so close to his residence. The chimney of the north engine house (seen below) is all that remains of the large structure which housed the Cornish beam engines that pumped water out of the pits. (source: Bangor Historical Society).

Hen Track

Wind and rain so a perfect day for a short loop walk round Hen. Thanks Shirley and Ronnie for leading.