Knock Bridge
Grid Ref.: J040 509
Knock Bridge is on the B2 Mullahead Road.
From Lurgan: take Union Street/Tandragee Road out of Lurgan (past the Hospital); continue on to Brownlow Road and straight through the first three roundabouts, turning left (first exit) at the fourth roundabout onto Moyraverty West Road. Then take first right on to Bluestone Road and follow this road for about four miles through Drumnacanvy to the roundabout on the Gilford Road. Go straight through this roundabout (second exit), signed B2/Tandragee. 400 metres further, cross over the River Bann and park at the side of the road before you come to the canal bridge (see below>.
From Portadown: take the Gilford Road out of Portadown and approximately ¾ mile past Portadown Golf Club take the third exit on the roundabout (signed B2/Tandragee) just past the filling station. 400 metres further, cross over the River Bann and park at the side of the road before you come to the canal bridge (see below).
Knock Bridge over Newry Canal