Despite somewhat mixed weather on 12 September, the first day of our new term, we had some great walks and, just as importantly, an opportunity to catch up on what our friends had been up to over the summer months. Nearly 50 walkers turned up at Donard Park where we welcomed new members, Esther and Mary. We were sorry that some regular walkers weren't able to walk with us and wish them a speedy return to full fitness. Those who made the ascent to the mast at Drinnahilly with John walked a little over 5 miles (5.16 to be exact) and climbed a little under 1000 feet (983 to be exact). Those who couldn't face the final ascent thought they were taking the short route back to Niki's but Reuben ensured that they got a proper walk arriving at the café after John's party had collared all the best buns. Meanwhile Herbie and his merry band had conquered Millstone (460m which converts to 1509 feet). Well done all.